I.La.S. – Iscapi Language SchoolI.La.S. – Iscapi Language SchoolI.La.S. – Iscapi Language School

ilaslogoThe I.La.S. – Iscapi Language School – established in 2009 as a language training center of theCalabrian Institute of International Policy (Is.Ca.P.I.) in order to foster the promotion and development of the knowledge of foreign languages, as a fundamental tool even as preparatory to the development of a culture of international vision of the Calabrian territory.

The I.La.S. operates through teaching methodologies developed on the basis of the most modern techniques of language learning, aimed at ensuring the student’s self-sufficiency in their communication skills in international settings, even as well as the acquisition of specific language skills, oriented to different areas of expertise.

The awareness that the acquisition of the standards of knowledge and skills related to the “System of Certifications of Language Competence” expressed in the Common European Framework of Reference, holds in technical/scientific contexts a distinctive and specific relevance, is for Is.Ca.P.I., a fundamental benchmark in achieving its objectives.

In this sense, the I.La.S. Training Plans. aim at the development and enhancement of their students’ productive, receptive and operational skills, targeting educational processes to develop mastery of comprehension and production in meaningful contexts, both in oral and written language.



ilaslogo-300x129The I. The. S. – Iscapi Language School – was founded in 2009 as a center of language training institute Calabrese of International Policies (Is.Ca.P.I .) in order to encourage the promotion and development of knowledge of foreign languages, as a fundamental tool although propaedeutic to the development of a culture of international vision of Calabrian territory.

The I. The. S. operates through teaching methodologies developed on the basis of the most modern techniques of language learning, aimed at ensuring the students self-sufficiency of their own ability to communicate in international environments, although the acquisition of linguistic skills specifications, oriented to the different areas of expertise.

The awareness that the acquisition of the standard of knowledge and skills related to the “System of certifications of language competencies” expressed in Common European Framework of Reference, plays in the contexts technical/scientific importance a distinctive and specific, and for the Is.Ca.P.I ., a fundamental reference parameter in the attainment of its objectives.

In this sense the Training Plans of I. La. S. are aimed at the development and strengthening of the productive skills, receptive and operating of their own students, finalizing the formative processes in the development of the mastery of the understanding and production of meaningful contexts, both in oral language and in written language.



ilaslogo-300x129The I.La.S. – Iscapi Language School – nace en 2009 como centro de formación linguística del Instituto Calabrese de Políticas Internacionales (Is.Ca.P.I.) a fin de favorecer la promoción y el desarrollo del conocimiento de las lenguas extranjeras, como instrumento fundamental aunque conduzca al desarrollo de una cultura de visión internacional del territorio calabrese.

The I.La.S. opera mediante metodologías de enseñanza desarrolladas sobre la base de los más modernas técnicas de aprendizaje del lenguaje, encaminadas a garantizar al estudiante autosuficiencia de sus capacidades de comunicación en ámbitos internacionales, aunque adquisición de habilidades lingüísticas específicas, orientadas a los distintos ámbitos de competencia.

La conciencia de que adquieran los estándares de conocimientos y habilidades relacionadas con el “sistema de certificaciones de competencias lingüísticas” expresados en el marco común europeo de referencia, reviste en contextos técnico/científicos una importancia distintivo y específica, es para el Is.Ca.P.I., un fundamental parámetro de referencia en la consecución de sus objetivos.

En este sentido los planes Formativos de I.La.S. van encaminadas al desarrollo y al refuerzo de las habilidades productivas, vulnerables y operativas de los propios estudiantes, destinando los procesos formativos al desarrollo del dominio de la comprensión y la producción de contextos significativos, tanto en lengua oral sea en lengua escrita.

