MedPOL Platform
Knowledge Area
What We Want to Accomplish and Why
The MedPol Platform pays great attention to the younger generation as, in a changing world, they represent the citizens of the new society, with the task of building sustainable development and a more advanced democracy.
The priority objectives are to reflect on possible answers to the common problems of young people from different areas and cultures, develop mutual understanding through exchanges on the level of culture and experience, and form the leadership of the future.

The MedPol Platform is committed to the:
- To promote the integration of young people from the Euro-Mediterranean area in the educational process and integration into the world of work.
- To develop a critical culture that can read the historiographies of the present and the past from an effectively free and multicultural perspective, capable of overcoming stereotypes, prejudices and preconceived interests.
- To contribute to the development of training systems, thereby participating in paths of renewal taking place not only in Italy, but also in Europe and the countries of the Mediterranean area.
- Promote the use of training as a lever for the development of the territory and civil society. Training is understood not only as a response to employment needs related to new production needs but as an opportunity for personal development and continued growth.
- Fostering dialogue among the different actors involved in education and training systems.
- Promote interregional comparison on the topic of training (on a national, European and Euro-Mediterranean scale).
- Define innovative training methods and paths.
- Provide technical assistance to national institutions, regions and local governments for activities pertaining to the development of training systems and training planning.
- Provide technical assistance to vocational training institutions.
- Training the trainers.
- Expand opportunities for contacts between young people on both sides of the Mediterranean to stimulate their consciousness as citizens.
- Contribute to the education of young people through cultural exchanges, educate young people to respect ethnic and cultural differences, and raise awareness of the value of gender difference.
- Urge the civic engagement of the younger generation to build a more equitable society.
- Promote and consolidate employment opportunities.
- Providing opportunities for disadvantaged and disadvantaged youth.
- To stimulate cooperation among youth associations committed to ecology, anti-racism and broader social solidarity.
- Promote and develop political and diplomatic leadership and in the field of cooperation.
- Promote the study of local languages and English language and activate their courses of study.
- Promote mobility and socio-cultural, educational and scientific exchanges.